Developing Speech Sounds

Parents often work directly with speech pathologists where their child requires assistance in developing correct production of specific speech sounds. The link below is specifically for parents of students currently accessing speech pathology services through the Catholic Education Office Melbourne (CEOM), where a CEOM speech pathologist has recommended training and support in this area. Accessing this training is part of ongoing speech pathology service delivery and requires a login provided by your speech pathologist.

Speech Pathology Articulation Training Course
I'm Ready!: How to Prepare Your Child for Reading Success

Studies have shown that children who start school with higher levels of early literacy skills have greater academic success. As the most important teachers in a young child’s life, parents play a critical role in promoting these skills before their child gets to school.

Based on the most current research in early literacy development, I’m Ready! shows parents the most effective ways to nurture their child’s early literacy during everyday routines and activities. The guidebook offers highly practical, easy-to-use interaction strategies for promoting the building blocks of literacy.

This book is a Hanen Centre Publication. The Hanen Centre is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting parents, early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists in their efforts to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children.

Shoot for the SSTaRS! Hanen: I'm Ready! - Further information Hanen: I'm Ready! - Order online Hanen: Helpful information for parents and professionals
Important Areas to Work on With Your Child, Before Your Child Starts School

As a parent, you have a major role in making sure your child has the skills necessary to cope with school. A starting point for parents is making sure their child’s language skills are sufficient.

Language is vital in learning and schooling. It is important for your child to have adequate language skills so that they can cope with school and learn. The following areas have been chosen for the parents to work on with their children.

It is important that you go over the activities with your child until you feel they have grasped the concepts. Your child will benefit greatly by learning the skills taught in these activities. It is important that your child gets the best start possible through activities including: Vocabulary, Reading Time, Question Time, Grammar & Sentences and Clapping Syllables & Rhyme

Parent handout Powerpoint - Prep Information Session for Parents
Raising the Children Network

This is a website for Australian mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone else who has responsibility for the care of children. ‘Raising the Children Network’ aims to provide information that can help parents with the day-to-day decisions of raising children, and to also help parents and carers look after their own needs.

“We believe that parent engagement is enhanced when we explain the logic and science behind the information we present. To create our content, we collaborate with top Australian and international experts, using a rigorous quality-control process to ensure the information we present is valid and reliable.”

Raising the Children Network
The Importance of play:

Physicians Speak Out on the Importance of Play for Children’s Health – a short video with Dr Ken Ginsburg paediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Dr Marilyn Benoit, Chief Clinical Officer at Devereux Behavioural Health

Prescription for Play – This video addresses critical issues facing children and families today — rising levels of stress and anxiety, obesity-related health problems, dramatically reduced time for free play and play outdoors, hectic and overscheduled family life — and offer solutions to addressing these problems.

Prescription for Play

Carl’s Corner

This website is packed with free resources for early language and literacy development. Thousands of printable ideas (from a former Language Arts Specialist) covering topics such as:  word work, contractions, work families, alphabet, blends and much, much more.

Carl's Corner
K - 3 Teacher Resources

Descrition: Free resources for early language and literacy development OR you can pay a $20 subscription and access even more resources.

The whole website is worth looking at.

K-3 Teacher resources
Reading Rockets

Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle

Reading Rockets
The Little Big Bookclub

Suggestion from a parent

They have a newsletter which you can subscribe to, books you can win every month and some very good activities centered around the book selections/themes for that month.

The Little Big Bookclub
Voyager Learning

Voyager Learning, is a comprehensive provider of research-based intervention and online learning solutions, dedicated to the success of every student.

Voyager Learning

If you have any practical resources, please email details to Brenda (and identify which category to list them under).