Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is the application of school-wide systems designed to improve school climate and reduce problem behaviour, as well as create individualised interventions. The school community (including students) is empowered to actively participate in the design and implementation of PBS across all school contexts. It also increases the individual’s quality of life by increased access and engagement. Proactive strategies are aimed at decreasing behaviours of concern and replacing them with pro-social skills that lead to enhanced social competence. Schools work towards creating a climate where positive behaviour is explicitly taught and reinforced, and prevention approaches are emphasised. Incidences of negative behaviour are responded to systematically and consistently.

Data is used to inform and monitor the implementation of evidence-based interventions. Supporting individuals with safe behaviours is focused on addressing the function of the behaviour and the teaching of skills and desired behaviours. Support provided to students is aligned directly with the goals and targets set out in the students’ Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) and/or Behaviour Support Plans (BSPs).

Data systems such as the School-Wide Information System (SWIS) provide school personnel with accurate, timely and practical information for making decisions about the fidelity and impact of individualised interventions that:

  • value the student and support positive interaction
  • have a clear data-informed strategy focused on preventing the occurrence of an identified behaviour by avoiding or adapting the circumstances that usually trigger this behaviour
  • focus on building skills and developing alternative preferred behaviours
  • consider the motivation for or functions of behaviours
  • use the student’s strengths and interests to increase success

Positive Behaviour Support Guidelines