Phonological Early Reading Intervention (PERI)


All content for this PL activity has been taken from Dr Munro’s resource:
Assessing & Teaching Phonological Knowledge – John Munro (1998)
Available online through ACER, $150.00

PERI (Pre-Erik) Program Outline

1. What is phonological knowledge?

2. Definitions

3. The Phonological knowledge Developmental Sequence

4. Phonological knowledge and learning to read

  • Pre-literate developments
  • Early letter-sound links
  • Alternative word recognition strategies
  • Recognising letter-groups and words

5. Assessing phonological knowledge (using a Developmental Sequence)

  • Resource: Assessing & Teaching Phonological Knowledge – Dr J Munro (1998)

6. Teaching phonological knowledge (and Pre-ERIK strategies)

Professional Learning (PL) Activity

The PERI PL activity aims to enhance teacher and LSA’s phonological knowledge, essential for early literacy learning. The set of assessment procedures allow teacher and LSAs to identify where students are in their development of phonological knowledge, and to establish whether reading and /or spelling difficulties may be due to delayed or immature development of phonological knowledge.

The accompanying teaching procedures provide a structured, sequenced and foundational set of activities for teaching this knowledge and providing a strong foundation for early reading.

Target Group for PL Activity

Teachers & Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) working with ‘at risk’ students.
To access the PERI PL activity go to the CEVN website and click on My PL (IPLS).