ICPALER Framework

The ICPALER framework, designed by Dr. John Munro is used to guide teacher to teach oral language skills through the delivery of his step-by-step model: ICPALER (Ideas-Conventions-Purposes-Ability to Learn-Expression and Reception).

This framework describes the various aspects of oral language from a classroom perspective, and demonstrates how teachers can best guide students to become effective communicators and language users. Designed to facilitate teaching and assessment, and to equip teachers to hear and see students’ speaking and listening skills, ICPALER promotes the use of self-talk, empowering students to become self-teachers of oral language.

The ICPALER mnemonic is used to describe the framework and to assist teachers to remember each aspect of language use:

I –    the ideas communicated;

C–    the conventions used to do this

P –   the purpose for which we communicate

AL – the ability to learn how to use language

E –   the expressive aspect of the communication

R –   the receptive aspect of the communication

This breakthrough program has been used to inform several major oral language projects commissioned by Australia’s state and federal education departments. It is an indispensable resource for teachers and their students in the early primary years.