Professional Learning Modules

These online professional learning modules provide teachers and teams with specific knowledge about Oral Language through the implementation of the ICPALER  framework. School teams may include Literacy Leaders, Inclusion Leaders, Learning and Teaching Leaders, P-2 teams and P-4 teams (in schools with high EAL populations). This spaced learning opportunity is recommended to be undertaken over 2 terms. Teams will be expected to participate in all online learning modules and complete designated course work.


To navigate directly to specific teaching strategies or skills within each of the videos, use the Video Time Log linked here.


Weight gain and thyroid issues It’s easy to attribute weight changes solely to lifestyle factors, but sometimes the body signals deeper concerns. Understanding the link between Weight Gain and Thyroid Issues can be crucial in finding the right path to health and wellness, especially when conventional methods don’t yield expected results.

Among the many beauty and fitness hacks circulating the internet, a particular question has garnered significant attention. Does Chewing Gum Help Jawline? While some argue that the consistent motion can define and shape the jaw, others believe the effects are minimal and temporary. Does chewing gum help jawline