The school bases the education it offers on the life perspectives of Jesus Christ, and the on-going questions it asks itself relates to whether justice, honesty, compassion and forgiveness are ever-present.


OLSEL – What are we doing in our school?

Staff have an OLSEL planning meeting each lunchtime on Friday and have focused on the following:

  • using the ROL descriptive rubric to further analyse the performance of ‘at risk’ students;
  • implementing the Blank, Rose & Berlin (2003) question rubric in Big Book activities;
  • considering oral language opportunities in current work programs;
  • moderation of speaking and listening expectations;
  • presentation of sections of the OLSEL professional learning program at a staff meeting; and
  • helpful hints and oral language activities sent to parents to support oral language learning in the home.

The next step is for the OLSEL team to continue to review existing work units and student learning outcomes to identify opportunities to embed oral language activities, in their teaching, aimed at enhancing literacy achievement. Consolidation of the use of the Blank et al (2003) question types in Big Book activities. A more detailed analysis of the schools’ assessment data from this project will also provide insight and direction regarding needed teaching foci.

Information search

Language experience

Puppet retelling

Picture chat


About This School

School History

Catholic education began in Maryborough in 1854, with Fr Fennelly the Parish Priest and 37 children in attendance. The school closed briefly in 1865 but re-opened as miners who had left for the diggings returned.

Lay teachers were in charge of the school till the Brigidine Sisters arrived in 1902 and they have maintained a presence in the school ever since. The main section of the school was opened in 1949, and there have been renovations and extensions added several times over the last 30 years. In 2003/4 St. Augustine’s developed a blueprint for a major refurbishment of the staff and office facilities, which will commence in 2005.

School Description

St. Augustine’s is a Catholic Primary School with an enrolment of approximately 200 students. We have eight classrooms, as well as a Library and Art room, with specialist teachers in each of these areas. Our school is located alongside our Parish Church, hall and presbytery where our Parish Priest resides.

The school has a mixture of composite and single class groupings, with the emphasis on developing the whole child.

Within the school community we strive to build links with community groups. We participate in many activities from sporting events to more passive activities such as a gardening group for students interested in looking after our environment.

Special Features

The school bases the education it offers on the life perspectives of Jesus Christ, and the on-going questions it asks itself relates to whether justice, honesty, compassion and forgiveness are ever-present. It prides itself also on the pastoral care offered and strives for frank, honest and open communication between all people involved in the school community.

Our school also offers the following Special Programs: Reading Recovery, E.M.U. Program, Seasons For Growth, Confident Kids, Energy Breakthrough, Family Life Program.

Contact Details

Mr Nicholas McTaggart


Burke Street, Maryborough, 3465
