Based on the traditions of the Catholic Faith, with Jesus as their example, Our Lady Help provide a positive and happy learning environment where each child has the opportunity to develop academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.
After the initial four days of Professional Development, our junior P-2 teachers meet weekly for a literacy P.L.T. These now have a greater emphasis on oral language being the foundation of literacy learning, thinking and interacting. We have discussed aspects of explicit/implicit instruction and our role as facilitator of the development of strategies so our students can construct their learning (Collins model).
We have high expectations of both ourselves as teachers and our children and include specific oral language components in planning. We aim to have children understand they are responsible for developing strategies for constructing their own learning.
Blanks Questioning has been a key focus for term 3 in both whole and small group instruction with initial assessment using the Townsville screener Blanks Questions component to determine the scaffold needed for individual students.
We are more aware of using a variety of stimuli to ensure we give children the opportunity to become more competent in levels three and four. We hope this will have a positive impact on children’s thinking and making connections with their own and others life experience.
CEO Ballarat myclasses has a wealth of resources to use and many big books are available on our smartboards for whole class focus. We are utilizing school resources more effectively and set up a resource folder for teachers to access and share. We are mindful of prioritising oral language opportunities throughout all aspects of the day, including during maths, R.E., and discussions in our social skills program PATHS.
Early in term 3, our whole staff attended a Stephen Graham PD. There were many links with our OLSEL PD. He reinforced that children need to understand / manipulate the English language because language in the head will dictate what they say, read and write. There will be more gains in independent tasks if children have competency in oral language. His focus supported explicit teaching based on ideas, conventions and purpose.
In term four, we will endeavor to become more familiar with the ICPALER model, exploring the interdependence of each aspect. We will continue to develop an understanding of the Collins model. We plan to utilise colourful semantics to support language development and consolidate the 5 W and H questions. We anticipate, both as individual teachers and a team, greater understanding of our students speaking and listening capabilities when reporting to P-2 laying the foundations VEL standards.
Roll play with dolls
Big book and oral language
Comparisons - olden days and now
Vocabulary development - labelling
Colourful semantics
Grandparents - Brainstorming words
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Primary School opened in 1961, under the leadership of the Sisters of Mercy. Based on the traditions of the Catholic Faith, with Jesus as our example, we provide a positive and happy learning environment where each child has the opportunity to develop academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically. A Christian atmosphere is encouraged where family support and involvement is an important part of our school life. In 2002, the school community appointed Mr Stephen Russell as Principal, to build upon this rich legacy towards a bright future!
A new shade structure and a new playground were installed, as the learning environment continues to develop and improve to serve the local community. The school community continues to invest in its infrastructure, especially in computer technologies. Despite school facilities that are the envy of most, the greatest resources of the school are its people –tremendous teachers, wonderful children and supportive parents.
Our Lady Help of Christians school is a place where God is named and recognised and where Gospel values and the teaching of the Church are celebrated. Our school is based upon the traditions of the Catholic Faith, with Jesus as our example. We provide a positive and happy learning environment where each child has the opportunity to develop academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically. A Christian atmosphere is encouraged where family support and involvement is an important part of our school’s life.
We focus on the spiritual, moral, social, emotional and intellectual development of each child. We provide an atmosphere in which each child’s natural creativity can emerge and where each child is stimulated to an appreciation of life in all its areas; in particular environmental sustainability.
We strive to foster mutual respect, responsibility and service within our school community. We treat each person as an individual created and loved by God. We aim to promote justice and the dignity of everyone, building relationships of Faith, care and support, which characterize the school’s vision.
Enrolment: 178 Numbers of families: 121 SES Score: 88 % EMA children: 43% % Catholic Children: 66% Number of Funded Children (Special Needs): 9 Indigenous Children: 11 English as a Second Language: 5
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish School is considered by many educational experts to be one of the best Catholic schools in Victoria, yet it still remains one of Ballarat’s hidden treasures!
At Our Lady Help of Christians School, children receive an excellent start to school, right from Prep, in the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. Our junior area teachers are regularly nominated for ‘Teacher of the Year’ awards and implement the award-winning CLaSS (Children’s Literacy Success Strategy) approach to teaching literacy.
Teachers at each level work closely together, planning and organising areas of study and units of work. The students are organised into six different multi-age learning groups, so that they can learn at their own pace:
Mr Stephen Russell
482 Gillies Street, Wendouree, 3355