There are 7 Professional Learning Modules for the Intervention Framework.
Module 1 Culture of Inclusive Practices School teams have the opportunity to work together to ensure they have a thorough understanding of how school culture impacts the capacity of the school as a whole to develop and sustain change in practice.
Module 2 Underpinning Methodologies School teams develop an understanding of the underpinning methodologies of ‘Universal Design for Learning’ and ‘Response to Intervention’ as critical in designing appropriate adjustments/interventions to promote growth and progress for all students.
Module 3 Identification Teachers collect quality assessment data from a range of sources and the school develops shared understandings of the processes established to identify students with diverse learning needs.
Module 4 Targeted Assessment Teachers are asked to consider additional, individualised assessment and observational data when further student information is required.
Module 5 Data Analysis Teachers analyse the broad range of assessment and observational data collected and develop a detailed student profile with targeted learning goals.
Module 6 Learning and Teaching With appropriate data-driven decision-making processes, schools can design learning that is inclusive of all students.
Module 7 Evaluation Student progress as a response to an intervention is evaluated, as is the integrity, fidelity and implementation of the intervention or adjustments themselves.