A study investigating the effect of ‘late talking’

A study investigating children who are identified with late language emergence at the age of 24 months, known as ‘late talking’ and whether or not they recover from the late start -up or whether it has a longer lasting risk for language acquisition.

Read Report

OLSEL Progress Report, November 2009

The OLSEL Progress Report is written each month by Hugh McCusker the OLSEL Research Project Officer.

Read Progress Report, November

‘Kids Can’t Talk Properly’

The oral language needs of students commencing school are noted as a cause for concern and leading to calls for additional speech pathologists, reports the Sunday Herald Sun (13th September 2009).

Visit the Website Article

The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS)

A study undertaken in Melbourne, exploring early communicative development and implications for students in the early years of schooling.

Download the ELVS Study

OLSEL Progress Report, September 2009

This report is written each month by Hugh McCusker the OLSEL Research Project Officer.

It provides an overview of the progress of the OLSEL project, to date.

Progress Report, September 2009